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OpenPool: Kinect-Powered, 3D Projection Awesomeness (Video)

Enter: The Oreo 3D Vending Machine & the Bacon Alarm Clock (Video)


Okay, there's only video for one of these, but I think they both sound like a lot of fun.

Oreo is launching a "Oreo Trending Vending Machine" that creates Oreos using 3D printing technology, to be launched at SXSW.

The initiative comes via a partnership with Twitter that includes "trending flavors" based on trending social conversations, which customers can then select to watch their cookies being built. It sounds like it takes about two minutes - which seems like a long time wait - but hopefully novelty will trump timeliness in this case.

Meanwhile, Oscar Mayer has unveiled a new "Wake Up & Smell the Bacon" device the plugs into your iPhone. When the alarm goes off, you get the smell and sound of sizzling bacon.

Hat tip to the Chicago Tribune for both finds: Two tasty examples of brands using new technologies to connect with - and serve - super fans like never before.

How might your brand do the same?

Read more, here.


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