🎃 Top 3 Horror Movies of All Time

🫣 The Spooky Season is here—and with Halloween coming fast, the Rick's share each of their top three favorite horror movies of all time. Will it include Halloween? The Conjuring? Or maybe Frankenweenie? The Scary Rick Flicks start here.

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😱 It's a horrifying assignment for the Ricks (at :50 seconds)
🩸 Remembering days of gore gone by (at 1 min, 37 sec)
🥶 Which John Carpenter flick makes the cut (so to speak)? (at 3:00)
🫄 Young couple move next door to Ruth Buzzy, all hell breaks loose (at 5:07)
🧬 Predator inspection: The science behind our love of horror movies (at 6:21)
🎁 Memo to Detective Brad: Don't look in the box (at 8:52)
🙀 What makes a movie horror…and homage vs copycat? (at 10:35)
😵‍💫 Meeting the girlfriend's fam? Don't get that sinking feeling (at 11:23)
🪓 Jack be crazy, Jack be sick, get through the cuckoo maze—quick! (at 13:42)
🧟‍♂️ Comedy of terrors: Bruce Campbell joins the "Army" (at 15:41)
🎬 Landing the Raimi Maneuver for fun and profit (at 17:01)
😈 Sometimes Raimi's spooky, sometimes he's a drag (at 17:19)
🙅🏼 The original Linda Blair witch project (at 17:50)
🧛🏼‍♂️ Dracula takes a bathroom break for the ages (at 19:44)
🚅 Train-ing for the zombie apocalypse (at 20:23)

Approx. 21 minutes, 20 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🎬 Generative AI & The Writers Strike-Hollywood's Lessons For Every Industry

🎬 The Ricks discuss the agreement ratified last week between the Writers Guild of America (WGA) West and Hollywood studios as it pertains to the use of generative AI in the service of writing scripts for movies, TV and streaming shows, and more.

In a surprise twist, the courts and existing copyright law may ultimately render industry alignment on generative AI a foregone conclusion. But what does that mean for the use of generative AI in your industry?

Spoiler alert: If you're thinking about leveraging generative AI for marketing, advertising, brand, or … well, anything … you might want to hear this first.

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Approx. 19 minutes, 4 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🤖 Q&A: Matt Binkowski, Author Of 'The Creative Algorithm' (Concl.)

In part two, Matt Binkowski, author of "The Creative Algorithm: How to Harness the Power of AI and Create Outstanding Digital Products," demystifies AI and shares pragmatic insights on how product teams can leverage it to outmaneuver the competition. In Binkowski's eyes, AI isn't something for creative people to fear—it's a tool for them to harness in order to move faster and serve customers better than ever before.

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🕵🏼‍♀️ Letting AI do the detective work on your competition (at 00:44 )
🥷🏻 Will AI really give your team an edge? Definitely…maybe (at 02:39)
🚥 Time for Jira to meet Siri? How AI can help teams stay on track (at 03:26)
🗂️ Letting AI run your life—what you need to do, and why (at 08:30)
🧏🏽 How AI can supercharge (and streamline) accessibility (at 09:50)
🧐 Beating bias in AI, the humans behind it—and their creations (at 13:39)
🧑🏻‍💻 UX best practices: No more re-learning what you already know (at 16:08)
🥹 When it comes to AI in product design, empathy is the key (at 18:36)
🗺️ How product designers should navigate the AI revolution (at 19:39)

Approx. 21 minutes, 40 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

Q&A: Matt Binkowski, Author of 'The Creative Algorithm' (Pt. 1)

Rick W. interviews digital strategy, product, and UX expert Matt Binkowski about his new book, "The Creative Algorithm: How to Harness the Power of AI and Create Outstanding Digital Products."

In this first of a two-part episode, Binkowski shares a designer's perspective on some of the fears and frissons surrounding generative AI. Along the way, he reveals the benefits that come with 20 years of cross-functional, cross-industry experience leading digital initiatives for Comerica Bank, Ogilvy, Jeep, Organic, Hallmark and more.

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💬 Catching up with friends in the blink of AI (at 00:xx)
👷🏾‍♂️ Push you, pull me: product marketing vs. development
📱 Binkowski goes Boom Scrolling
🛜 Will AI really be as transformational as the Web?
🤖 ChatGPT: 12 months (and a revolution) later
🛞 Smooth driving: The power of invisible innovation
👩🏽‍💻 Hidden Figures: If you can't dodge, dominate
🌹 Romeo & GPT: A profile in nerdage
🙌🏼 Product dev with AI: bigger, better, faster, more
🦾 Your target user: A human or a human's AI?
🛟 Welcome to the age of generative Darwinism

Approx. 20 minutes, 14 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

Affirmations for Ad Agency Creative Directors—From ChatGPT

We ask ChatGPT for an assist in developing our latest edition of Affirmations for Ad Agency Creative Directors—with unexpected results. 

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📸 Nothing beats a celebrity endorsement … right? (at 01:18)
⚠️ Don't forget to harness the power of … punctuation? (01:29)
⚾️ The truth about spec work for RFPs (01:42)
🎪 Think: Experiential—no matter what? (02:02)
🤖 Generative AI isn't something to fear … until it is (at 02:17)

Approx. 2 minutes, 48 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🧠 FOMO for Fun & Profit: The Secrets Of Psychology-Driven Marketing

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). Social Proofing. Tribalism. What are the most powerful psychological triggers for shaping consumer behavior and beliefs? In an all-new episode, we get insights from Jake McKenzie, CEO of Birmingham, AL-based Intermark Group, one of the nation's top psychology-driven ad agencies. By blending sociology, psychology, behavioral economics, and technology, it's possible to dramatically increase the efficacy of marketing programs. The problem: Far too many marketers start with a creative concept informed by demographic data masquerading as insight. In this can't-miss episode, we explore ways to hack the human psyche to boost marketing performance.

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🧐 An introduction to applied research and "creative psychology" (at 01:01)

🛍️ Adding psychographic insights to demographic data to optimize outcomes (01:43)

🦏 Animal House: Mohawk Flooring's carpet ride to market dominance (03:33)

📍 Building a better brief: Inside the mind-mapping process to make insights actionable (06:59)

👩🏼‍🦱 The problem with marketing personas: Context is everything (08: 57)

👀 The power of psychological heuristics like Social Proofing (10:36)

🍎 Who cares about product specs? Peer pressure doesn't fall far from Apple (12:50)

😳 Juicing demand by building a sense of scarcity–and why too many brands fear it (14:15)

🤓 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and advances in neuromarketing (16:23)

👥 Focus groups: The need to get past what participants tell you (17:44)

🚭 Smoking surprise: The least and most predictive indicators of a future purchase (18:33)

🙅🏽‍♀️ Why anti-drug campaigns fail to leverage what works in changing behavior (20:13)

✊🏼 Harley-Davidson & Rita's Italian Ice: How brands can tap tribal psychology (21:03)

Approx. 24 minutes, 18 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🛍️ Surprising Stats on Digital Ad Spend, E-commerce...and the Wienermobile?

Think digital advertising is seeing the biggest increase in marketing budgets this year? Think again. Meanwhile, is e-commerce up, down, or sideways relative to pre-pandemic levels? And who's raking it in if Amazon isn't? Plus: Oscar Mayer's "Meat Fleet" is getting a rebrand. So what are they calling the 87-year-old Wienermobile now?

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📫 What's growing fastest: digital ad spend or…? (at 00:50)
🌭 What do you call an 87-year-old Wienermobile? Cybertruck? (at 03:05)
🏪 Is e-commerce getting old? Or just the online-only variety? (at 04:11)
📊 Are e-commerce sales ⬆️, ⬇️, or ↔️ vs. pre-pandemic levels? (at 04:57)
🛒 Is BOPIS eating the e-commerce giants' lunches? (at 05:18)

Approx. 6 minutes, 30 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🤖 Content Creation—The Good, The Bad & The Generative AI

Is that an AI chatbot taking your order at Wendy's? Is that ChatGPT behind Coca-Cola's new "Real Magic" commercial? And is Britney Spears really back on Instagram, or is that a bot, too? The Ricks look at the good, the bad, and the WTF of Generative AI's impact on content creation.

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🕵️‍♂️ "The Night Agent" is on the prowl (at 01:32)
🧟‍♂️ Rick W. revisits "The Walking Dead" (at 02:10)
👂🏻 Why we need subtitles in our movies and TV shows these days (at 04:33)
🍔 Are AI chatbots coming to a Wendy's drive thru near you? (at 07:39)
🧠 Beyond the buzz: What exact is "Generative AI?" (at 10:23)
⚠️ The controversy about copyright and Generative AI training sets (at 12:25)
🥤 Coca-Cola finds inspiration in Generative AI for a new commercial (at 17:28)
👨🏽‍💻 … But what about the impact on creative jobs? (at 18:56)
🦿 …But should we regulate or give Generative AI more running room? (at 20:06)
🎤 Is that Britney Spears or a bot on Instagram? So far, Britney has been mum (at 21:12)

Approx. 22 minutes, 25 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🤵🏼‍♂️ Snapchat's AR Mirrors For Prom Season, Consumer Confusion Over AI & More

⁉️ It's time for a quick round of Loaded Questions featuring questions about Snapchat's new AR initiative for Men's Wearhouse, consumer confusion over phrases like "Powered by AI" and more.

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🥽 Forget cosplay lenses: Snapchat AR is going retail—just in time for prom season (at 00:39)
💸 A $700 million settlement rocks the media world (at 02:40)
🤖 WTF does "powered by AI" mean? Confused consumers want to know (at 04:32)
🪄 Canva's alternative word for "AI" that's pure–we'll, you'll just have to hear for yourself (at 05:45)

Approx. 6 minutes, 44 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

😎 Pepsi's New Logo, Cottonelle Gets Ripples, NASA's Top Sci-Fi Flicks, Bud's Backlash & More

Pepsi rolls out its first new logo in 14 years. Cottonelle Ultra Clean toilet paper gets up close and personal with 'Tales From…Down There.' NASA names the best—and worst—sci-fi movies of all time. Why Bud Light's missteps may have caused March-through-May Madness, plus a whole lot more. From May 9. 

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🌏 Where in the world wasn't Rick Wootten? (at 01:02)
🧟‍♂️ Finally catching "The Last of Us" (at 03:07)
🏆 Did 2023's Best Picture really deserve winning Everything, Everywhere? (at 06:04)
👽 Surprises in NASA's Best & Worst Sci-Fi movies of all time (at 08:08)
🥤 Pepsi's new logo: Choice of a new generation? Same-old, same-old? Or both? (at 11:57)
🧨 Why Bud Light's March-to-May Madness went so wrong (at 15:04)
💩 Cottonelle Ultra Clean's "Tales From…Down There" gets the gunk out (at 18:11)

Approx. 20 minutes, 47 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.