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June 2020

🥽 How COVID-19 Will Shape VR, Brands You Want to Shelter With Most, R-Rated Justice League & More

"The Mandalorian" tries on some 501's. The Justice League stars in a gory new R-rated animated movie. ADWEEK asks: What brands would you want to shelter with most? Starbucks switches up its strategy for the time of COVID-19, and more. Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in stylish, premium-quality travel gear.

👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com👐🏻


🚀 Disney+ hit "The Mandalorian" tries on some of their favorite 501's (at 1-min, 34-sec)

💥 The SuperFriends it ain't: The gory new, R-rated "Justice League" animated movie is pure <BLEEP> (at 3:38)

🕹 Virtually House Bound: The impact of COVID-19 on the future of virtual reality (at 5:07)

🏘 ADWEEK wants to know: With what "house" of brands would you want to shack up with most? (at 9:39)

🖖🏽 Turns out James T. Kirk may be into little green men, too (at 12:53)

🧗🏻‍North Face joins brands boycotting Facebook–will more join the party? (at 14:09)

☕️ Starbucks' plans for a post-"third place" world (at 14:45)

Listen using the player above, or

Click here: 🥽 How COVID-19 Will Shape VR Brands You Want to Shelter With Most R-Rated Justice League

Approximately 17-minutes, 3-seconds. For US audiences.

Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🎁Interview–GiftSuite CEO Sangita Verma on Marketing in a Post-Pandemic World

HEADSHOT_Sangita Verma_GiftSuite_CEOIt's a Rick and Quick episode featuring an interview with GiftSuite CEO Sangita Verma, who is redefining the gift-giving experience in the time of COVID-19.

You're going to seriously dig GiftSuite's unique brand of thoughtfully-curated, tech-forward curios from socially-conscious companies.

Among our favorites: A water bottle with a UV-C LED bottle cap that sanitizes your water and can do the same for your keyboard and mobile phone at the wave of your hand.

It's a timely and insightful conversation with a serial entrepreneur who has made a name for herself by spotting hidden opportunities and capitalizing on them.  


✈️ Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in ultra-stylish, premium travel gear: Save 30% on your next purchase using promo code R&RTAKE30 at Taskinsf.com ✈️



🦠 Plan C: 3 top tips to marketers in a post-pandemic world (at 1 min, 45 sec)

⏱ Crisis marketing: Working at the speed of the news cycle  (at 4:43)

💡 The idea behind GiftSuite and  its Life 2020 collection (at 5:57)

💦     The germicidal bottle cap you didn't know you needed (at 8:04)

☮️     Finding the off-switch: The little device for calming your Vagus nerve (at 9:10)

🕴 You're never too young to launch a startup (at 10:36)

Or Listen Here: 

🎁 Interview—GiftSuite CEO Sangita Verma on Marketing in a Post-Pandemic World

Approx. 11 minutes, 48 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.