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July 2020

👁👄👁 How 'It Is What It Is' Took Silicon Valley by Storm, Dos Equis' Social Distancing Cooler

Dos Equis toasts its new six-foot-long social distancing cooler. The secrets of latent semantic indexing. The secret "Princess Pride" remake. And WTAF is "It Is What It Is"? The Ricks have answers—plus some Loaded Questions of their own.

Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in stylish, premium-quality travel gear.

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🇺🇸Fourth of July memories (at 1-min, 4-sec)

👸🏽Something to Quibi about: Celebrities stage their own "Prince Bride" fan film (at 2:32)

📱MIT Tech Review: What grown-ups don't get about teens, tech, and social media (at 4:19)

📺Mental Floss unearths cringeworthy commercials from the '80s and '90s (at 6:45)

😎Dos Equis has a new seis-foot ice cooler for a summer of social distancing (at 9:30)

🤖'b' role: The new sci-fi thriller starting an actual AI robot in the leading role (at 11:09)

🗂What you need to know about Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) (at 12:36)

👁👄👁"It Is What It Is" wasn't what you thought it was (at 14:00)

Approximately 16-minutes, 13-seconds. For US audiences.

Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.

🔆 Don't Go Dark—John Sculley's Advice to Marketers in Perilous Times

In this Rick and Quick episode, the Ricks talk about some new advice from John Sculley, the former CMO of Pepsi and Apple, on brand marketing in an unprecedented business environment. From June 21. 

Brought to you by Taskin, the first name in stylish, premium-quality travel gear.

👐🏻Shop now and save 30% with promo code R&RTAKE30 at TaskinSF.com 👐🏻


📣Rising to the Pepsi Challenge–and shining up a struggling Apple (at :20-seconds)

🌘Your brand: Shining Bright–or Getting Eclipsed? (at 1-minute, 11-seconds)

🥰Building Brand Loyalty (at 2:15)

👁Out of Sight, Out of Shopping Cart (at 2:53)

🏄🏻‍♂️Coasting on Famous Old Campaigns…(at 3:36)

😳…Or Getting Crushed by Them…(at 4:09)

📈…Or Getting Ahead of the Curve (at 5:33)

Approximately 6-minutes, 15-seconds. For US audiences.