💥Comic-Con 2022: She-Hulk, Black Adam And The Hottest Cosplay, Collectibles & More
🛍 Nestlé Milks AI, Disney+ Marvels With AR, Plus: Holiday '22 Ecommerce Projections & More

☀️ Vecna Scares Scooby, Lays Fingertip Washing Machine, Hasbro Selfie Action Figures & More

⛱ It's an End-of-Summer Spectacular as the Ricks talk Voodoo Ranger Beer's big punk out, Lays potato-chip-fingers washing machine, the social media sensation who offered $50K to help him find a job—plus Loaded Questions and a whole lot more. From August 26.

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😎 Rick Wootten mourns Summer's end, but looks forward to Halloween (at 1 min, 14 sec)
✈️ The Ricks revisit Portland & Eugene, OR—and apologize for California (at 1:38)
🦸🏻‍♂️ 5 group cosplays we should have seen at Comic-Con this summer, but didn't (at 5:08)
🤹🏼‍♂️ Dr. Strange and the Full House of Foolery (at 6:02)
🦴 Zoinks: The Mystery Machine becomes a bloody mess (at 6:13)
🎸 Green queen chews on some heavy metal (at 6:28)
💈 The Flowbee'd one seeks the Fifth Element (at 6:33)
📺 Forget Captain Carter—here's a real blast from the past (at 6:45)
🍿 "Batgirl" begins a new round of aggravating scheduling changes at Warner Bros. (at 7:23)
🧨 Hasbro's Selfie Action Figures put your face on GI Joe, Marvel Heroes & More (at 10:16)
💦 Betcha can't wash just one: Lays' new washing machine cleans greasy fingertips (at 11:15)
💋 Lip-smackin': Applebee's serves up Spicy Chicken Wing-flavored Lip Gloss (really) (at 12:23)
🍺 Voodoo Ranger Beer punks California's wine country—generating boffo publicity (at 13:27)
👨🏽‍💻 Dude becomes a social media phenom by tricking people into boosting engagement (at 15:22)
🌭 Oscar Mayer has something for you to suck on during the Dog Days of Summer (at 17:54)
🦚 Broadcast bust? NBC is reportedly considering the once unthinkable (at 19:12)
🍜 Pot Noodles wants you to know that it's no longer crap (at 21:08)

Approx. 23 minutes, 15 seconds. For US audiences. Review cookie and privacy policies for iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud and all other streaming services.